I was told by HP that I need to uninstall the upgrade, but my Microsoft User Account is now defaulted to Win 10 Pro and will only install Win 10 Pro. Like you could postpone rebooting in Windows 7, but it was far from perfect. I recently upgraded to Win 10 Pro from my computer's HP installed Win 10 Home and started having Audio problems (sound cuts out after 2 seconds) right after. I heard, and maybe that's the one benefit I could use in Pro, if not available in Home, that in Home, if you are in the middle of your work, with 100 tabs and Windows open, and Windows decides we are going to reboot, you have to obey and go on the ride, while you can only postpone reboot after an update in Pro. Will the Windows Subsystem for Linux be available for Home and Premium alike? I googled this to no avail! Still, any benefit for me to going Pro instead of Home?

I don't plan to use the two main added benefits of Professional, such as BitLocker and Hyper-V. Perhaps, Home eats less battery on a laptop than Professional? Perhaps, installed, Home takes less space on the disk than Professional? The downloaded images are of the same size. So I ask it in another way: Help me choose between Home and Professional, as I'm eligible for both (thanks to Daz)! More precisely, does Home have any benefit over Professional? I did not want to derail this old thread, but I have to, a little bit. They don't have to be completed on a certain holiday.Click to expand.Oops.

In this series, we call out current holidays and give you the chance to earn the monthly SpiceQuest badge! SpiceQuest August (2023) - Of Cards and Cookies Holidays.Octavian, later known as Augustus, enters Ale. Good morning and Happy August, everyone! I hope your new month starts smoothly and you get to enjoy new beginnings and clean slates! Spark! Pro Series - 1 August 2023 Spiceworks Originals.I can't click on "windows button" there or anyt. When he tries to connect to server, he got a black screen with task bar only. All has been working fine until this morning. Hi,I have a user that is connecting via Axel thin client to Windows Server 2012 R2. Remote connection is stuck for one user in Win Server 2012 Windows.For those who don't know, this is the Chinese knockoff of "WhatsApp". So today, I was handed the order by upper management to set up "WeApp" for the engineers to use so they can communicate with some Chinese suppliers. Running Untrustworthy Software Software.